It's just a matter of what you can, where you can, as well as being associated with good intentions - which realistically, most right wingers DO have good intentions, it's just the world has a knee jerk reaction to it, so you need to show it outwardly in a way that's easily received by most people. Plus, being a force for good in your community is the mark of a decent person, just in general - swarths could never!

Regardless, connecting with people is key, even if you can only do it on a limited scope. One or two smart coworkers who are willing to listen? Subtle redpill here, subliminal message there. Dad and brother who lean right but are somewhat neocon/libertarian? Again, just little slips in conversation, just plant a seed. Young family next door who invited you to a BBQ? You get the picture. You do what you can, where you can. You'll be surprised how receptive people are to what you have to say with just a little adjustment to your phrasing, especially if they like you.

Something is better than nothing, no matter how small.

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Also include making sure you are lifting for aesthetics. Our ideas need to be associated with visible strength and power that is in agreement with nature. Normies can sense these things even if they openly reject them

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by James Knox

I saw a similar point about community service in a post a while go about using uniforms to help identify yourself to the public. Nothing like a military uniform, just something so they know that all these acts of community service are from the same group of people.

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