Sectionalism is kinda like Moses leading us jews out of slavery and into the promise land!

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I think iSubstack and c/Bruhfunny should remain united if we want to survive & rebuild. Both apps have niches the others can't fill as well & we both would lose our cultures isolated. This fiasco could be similar to how soyjak party came to be, as if we rebuild it could be very similar. Both 4chan and iFunny were dying platforms with a niche community carrying, both got suddenly & deliberately banned for stupid reasons. If we keep interacting with each-other and the outside internet, we could perfaps see a renaissance of old ifunny culture. Sharty is keeping leebait, traditional raiding and adobe flash alive, we could be similar. We might have to call ourselves the "swa confederacy" similar to how all of the soyjak websites are referred to as the "soysphere" and we definitely need to influence the rest of the internet like sharty does, but it is likely our only option. SWAOSKANDA FOREVER!

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Working consolidating iFunny influence on Substack atm. Will discuss more tomorrow because I am currently in bed teehee.

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What is c/bruhfunny? I haven't heard of that

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ifunny colony on the app "scored communities"

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iFunny 'tis

This wee sweet app of Liblarping

Of thee I $WÅ

Land where my Auschlitz died

Land of xir Pupper’s pride

From every collectiveside

Let fallout ring

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Jul 11Liked by James Knox

What I never understood was wether or not iStacks were focused on discussion with exclusively ifunny migrants or substack in general. Some, initially, seem to be made for a wider audience.

Like, imagine not being an ifunnier reading Sect’s discus male psychology or something only to see “Anyway, goon break” followed by chun-li twerk gif.

There‘a also when people kind try to shove a tangential relation between their articles main point and “by the way nvggvrs fucking STINK!”. Which doesn’t seem like a good thing to add unless you know exactly who you’re writing for. This may be a issue with RW writing in general but I only read iStacks since people I don’t already know SUCK

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I don't use chun li because she's chinese. I don't want to tempt my BWC GOD ARMY into defiling their solar blood!

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Jul 11Liked by James Knox

The chunli comment made me laugh really hard

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Jul 11Liked by James Knox

zomg this is like the vietnam memorial wall with the names of dead soldiers on it

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by James Knox

I must get it out there that we should not immediately assume Zeke is the guy on Twitter, so we shouldn't attack him so much. I heard he was early on as well but some new evidence such as personal testimony in confidence, and the account claiming it is Indian (Zeke is clearly some sort of hispanic) makes me think it is still someone anonymous. And I would feel pretty bad for Zeke if he was getting attacked for something he had no part in

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They probably have like 10+ people running the account just nobody notices because they all talk the same

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If you really think about it the offensives were actually the indo-European steppe warriors of iFunny…..

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Jul 11Liked by James Knox

It’s kind of cool to see some non ifunniers on these posts

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Jul 11Liked by James Knox

I’m thankful I stopped posting mostly and was able to avoid the ban. Sadly, the textpost void shan’t be filled on iFunny. Maybe I’ll finally ramble on here if it’s anything worth reading lol

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Jul 11Liked by James Knox

The effects of 2016 iFunny on my developing middle school mind cannot be understated

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Looking forward to seeing you on MySpace after Banocaust 5

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A MySpace colony would be quite funny

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Jul 11Liked by James Knox

I wasn't ever on iFunny, but you iFunniers are well... funny. I like you and thank you for the new stacks I have subscribed to.

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What happened to gaslighting gatekeeping and girlbossing polk why do we assume the burden of catching the normies up to speed on a decade of oldhead cultural development

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Big things are in the works my friend. I am coalition building for big things my friend...

Also the only ones who really asked are the more extreme Substackers. Most 'Stackers are moderates as you've probably noticed.

But also I gatekept our stuff pretty well. The only iHistory I shared was the broad strokes which are important for understanding what makes an iFunnier and iFunnier. I didn't even explain the Mike incident I just named dropped it.

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He's strong btw. Like really strong.

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Jul 11Liked by James Knox

I got iFunny as soon as I had a smartphone in 2018, so I’ve not been around for as long as the app has been cool, but that’s how it is for most of the lurkers. I posted cringe when I first got the app but my self-esteem kept me from turning into a repub account. I met a lot of people who I’m still friends with through sullivan’s private discord sometime in 2021 iirc. The only thing I’ve ever done of note, which I only admit here at the apocalypse, was manipulating Todd_Skyrim_Howard into posting his face reveal on iFunny. Back when he was big, post-ADP doxx, I found him very childish in that he seemed to do very poorly with his newfound fame. I mentioned this to a friend (FalagelRanger_2016) who was a moderator in his discord server, who said that the long-delayed face reveal had been dropped in the mod chat on discord a while back, and he looked awful. He sent it to me, and we had a laugh about it. But then I decided to make a fake “fed” account, DFundTheATF, posted a bunch of stuff about gun laws and whatnot, subbed to dwi and a bunch of gun accounts, and visited Todd’s and a bunch of other’s accounts to get him to notice. I figured I was maybe too on the nose with a glowing person as my pfp, but no one ever cared because they saw a “fed” and felt like attacking. Todd posted about me (retard) and sent his goons to backhole me. At this point, realizing that Todd was probably more stupid than I gave him credit for, I doubled down and posted his face reveal as something I’d gotten as a fed or whatever. Taken down immediately cuz all his brainless goons reported it. It was so ugly they all thought it was fake. I kept pushing until Todd did the face reveal, where he actually mentions the fed account in brief, and at that point the damage was done because he couldn’t recover from looking worse than the guy he’d gotten famous for doxxing. So much for running over fags in a truck, little autist boy, lol! I never wanted the glory, I didn’t need it, I never admitted it to anyone but Mookie. I could add twice as much detail but not much else is important other than that Todd’s subs were insufferable at this point and he was definitely never ever deep ifunny, he was always mid.

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I remember todd was one of my first mutuals. Seeing his downfall was bittersweet because he helped me rise in popularity but it was funny. We need to make a wiki for ifunny so this stuff is saved.

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Jul 11Liked by James Knox

I am Rielie on ifunny

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Will add tomorrow; about to sleep.

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Jul 11Liked by James Knox

This whole situation has really made me quite sad. I haven’t really been that active over the last 2 years as I used to be, but I always found comfort knowing the connections I made were still there and I could always find some gifcaption to lol at.

This banocaust has mostly targeted the accounts I looked up to as a middling member of the community and this was sort of the last straw for a lot of folks. I don’t think the app will really recover from this in the same way it used to bounce back. Too many bridges have been burned and people who were already tiring of the excessive moderation or just were growing out of the app needed some big event like this to find an excuse to leave.

I was never really a textposter but more of a gifcaptioner and there’s not really a good substitute for that experience anywhere else on the internet. Sure you can post funny gifcaps on Reddit or Twitter and get a few funny comments before your account gets bleachsc0ped, but you’ll never get quite the same engagement.

Perhaps this is a sign that I need to literally fucking mature and get off the forbidden app… I might start text posting here but I’ll always be a gifcaptioner at heart *le sigh*

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Jul 11Liked by James Knox

They can’t erase us !!!✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

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