ReChad for the grievances with secondary sources. The “Erm, source” thing is often dunked on because it’s just so retarded. It’s beyond even pretending to be Empiricism, it has its own myths and post-historical claims like any other religion.

We all remember how the Oracle of Washingtonius Fauci falsely claimed that masks worked (contradicting a prior prophesy), the vaccines prevented transmission, etc.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by James Knox

I like how you redo the post instead of just straight copying it from ifunny, best substack

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Author

Yeah, sometimes I only really change typos and reword stuff but for things like this I think it's important to provide as much information as I can. I tried to make as many clear references to what I was talking about when I wrote this on iFunny, but I was obviously limited by the platform.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by James Knox

The more you talked about the civil war, the more I want you to do a huge textpost on it. Genuinely feel very fortunate to have access to people like yourself on Ifunny and now substack that can shed light on things in academia that I'd normally never know. Very good post, keep it up.

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Me and Volt have talked about potential doing a collab on it, but even if we don't I'll still be making my own post.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by James Knox

This sincerely has me hyped, good luck.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by James Knox

Really love the expansion from the ifunny post, such an interesting read. It's a real shame the state of the modern study of history.

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Good point on the reproducibility double standard of STEM and history. Never considered it like that.

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