When knox posts, I sit my chosen ass down and LISTEN!

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by James Knox

Literally me

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I have the most DEDICATED fanbase on Substack! I LOVE all of my Knoxers!

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Sup. Niggaaaaaa. Wassup in the hizzouse.

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Also kind of random but are you aware of the recent trend of making these "graphic novel" memoirs? It's usually stuff like brown people moving to America or a German lady bugging out over having family that was in the NSDAP.

It is frankly the most soypozzed thing I have ever seen and my professors keep including them as course material. Very longhoused and so forth. Just thought you might find it interesting cuz it's tangential to the Nerd vs. Geek war I think.

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Nope, I've never heard of these at all. Sounds like books for stupid people though

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They are very stupid. Most of them seem to be written by women and they all have that queer little art style libs love some much.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Author

This is how we win, we must larp as blaque people to win.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by James Knox

Fantastic post, Trump's authenticity really is one of his greatest strengths. Also, Robert V. Remini's 3 volume Biography of andrew Jackson is phenomenal, I highly recommend it.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by James Knox

Notifications on and ready to read

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by James Knox

Polk was it you that made the post about asteroid mining not being useless

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Yes, it's on Substack now as well.

"Where Did Faust Go?" also check the comments on the post.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by James Knox

Mb didn't recognize the name haha

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