Oct 31, 2023Liked by James Knox

So true! Populism has been wishy-washy to me, probably as you've stated from the propaganda against it, but when I first heard of it as a kid it made perfect sense. A leader who was for the people, seems rather American. That is an anachronistic stance to take now. CivNats and Marxists, as you said, are treating America like a two dollar whore. There is no difference in the (public) mordern sphere between a Somalian coming off a raft with a passport and a 6th gen Texas-German to these people. There is no cultural American today besides that of a Marvel-Disney consumer. Everyone profiting off this country seems to do so not out of love of it and Her people, but to spite them and their livelihoods. Not even our generals are exempt from this, selling himself and country, PUBLICALLY, to China with no punishments (Treason? Never heard of him.)

These are not marks against populism, but really a call for one. Trump is a great example in energizing the Boomerwaffen to give a care about the country. Even with his gibbing blacks and yids billions of dollars, he at least set the stage for actual talk of demographics and how awfully corrupt our nation truly is. He left a hole for another leader to fill and surpass by looking towards Caesar or Napoleon, rather than kicking their feet at how mean everyone is against him, how the courts and government is corrupt without doing a damn thing about it.

Again, populism is, erm, how the kids say, based and redpilled. I'm just not sure there is a petri dish for them to grow from. A businessman like Trump did alright, but how many others who have the same pedigree would do what he did? It just boils down to my nearsightedness of how it could happen, America is rather stagnate and solid when it comes to its political machine. Shaking it only gets them to kvetch, then generally get what they wanted anyway. It would, again, truly have to be a coup d'etat on the scale of Caesar, which not many in the gynocratic state we live in can boast.


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Oct 27, 2023Liked by James Knox

Last link is absolutely horrible to read man

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The West has truly Fallen....

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Frankly put: We ARE better than the average person nowadays. Smarter, more independent, likely stronger and more well spoken. If you're on this post, this probably fits you. And so what? Do you insult children for not understanding evolutionary incentives or the true nature of political corruption? Of course not! We should probably be happy that they don't. They certainly are! It's probably like this for a reason. You have been blessed or gifted, either by your ancestors or by your God or perhaps by sheer chance. Use it responsibly! (And that means use it to fulfill your responsibility. Good luck).

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Excellent post. Restacked with a note! I love Lionel and he has good points, but you’ve responded to him well.

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Yeah we had some dialogue in DMs as I was writing this, and it was actually originally his idea for me to expanded on this concept because of our interaction on his original iFunny post.

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Apr 2Liked by James Knox

“The best leaders (um me btw #boom)” uhm actually it’s me sweatie.sorry💅🏿… feudalism is an ideal societal system as a result of this argument where everyone wins

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by James Knox

Also that Cecil Rhodes "Keep a brotha down" comic is too funny. I hope I have it saved.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by James Knox

Great essay. I've seen populist and populism pop up here as terms, I'm glad you put it do cleanly here

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You seem to be using the word "populism" when you should be using "collectivism". Right wingers are supposed to be collectivist to the race, not as workers per se, while leftists are supposed to be collectivist of anyone and everyone who could call themselves a worker. So yes, collectivism, when done right is friggin based.

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