Sep 5Liked by James Knox

I remember i wrote a character who was a force sensitive raised alongside the republic army with the clones and fighting as a soldier, who would later defect to the mandalorian culture when the empire came aboit but then the Lego movies invented jek 14 who is a clone and a force sensitive and also really cool, and then Dave felonies made the mandalorian, and also stole my idea for a lightsaber-blaster hybrid for star wars rebels. So basically they stole my cool original character and I have nothing now. Nothing except my drawings and my custom ship design.

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I like the “dramatis personæ” bit you did there, along with the plot synopsis. It tickled my operatic brain. I have some opera and comic opera substacks in the works, and might similarly list the cast as such.

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“What if the Jedi fall to the dark side?” asks the Republic, even though almost no Jedi do so.

Not an unrealistic question for a stagnating liberal bureaucracy to ask. In real life, less than 3% of clergy commit sexual abuse, but the public is fully convinced that virtually all priests are pedophiles.

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The "Moral busy bodies" are the most tyrannical group because they believe what they're doing is helping. As C.S. Lewis once said something similar so eloquently.

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Do you want to discuss Knights of the Old Republic Sith Lords 2 and the whole "grey jedi" theme which was totally squashed? The first game established grey jedi with jolee bindo (there are grey jedi robes in both games as well) and they also had those two force using groups who were sort of grey (Matukai). Then the second game establishes that you cannot actually be grey, you have to choose one side, and your decisions change the stances of your close companions. I recall in the first game I always ended it with my force meter in the grey - the second game was harder because there was no "grey" area in the force meter, and furthermore it was expected of the character to go all in on either side, with major items and benefits being gifted to a super dark side or super light side characters. There were even more items which were aligned with the light or the dark in the second game.

This basically shows that although the idea of a "grey jedi" is really cool, even in the old lore it was somewhat established that it was a fake position. Even Jolee bindo ended up rejoining the Order.

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Grey Jedi is fake yeah. Frankly it's a mostly fanfic thing. What elements of Gray Jedi are canon are not the same as what most people think. Bindo was not a Grey Jedi because Grey Jedi aren't a real order. He was a Jedi with unorthodox views but still a member of the Jedi Order, just in a self imposed exile.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by James Knox

Never seen the show, cancelled Disney Plus a while ago. Don't regret a Goddamn thing. Good review. I honestly have always been a Jedi fan, never was a Sith supporter, but I do like Plagueis and Bane.

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Plageuis, Bane, and Dooku are the best Sith apologists. Very convincing - especially the human-centric Dooku.

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Yes, Dooku too.

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Something I never understood about Star Wars and especially the new tv shows is that they go out of their way to try and show off crumbs of lore in certain books/shows basically “Things that don’t sell well” and never do-over any of it. Why not just make movies about this murder mystery stuff during the high republic or the mandolorian war? Movies work well with the star wars timeline, you pop in on a random date, ride along for 2 hours, and pop out! “Limited Series” have to have expositions that are explained, and resolutions for every time period you touch on. Movies you have more flexibility with a timeline

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Rouge one sold amazing and is well appreciated by normies who aren’t that familiar with the star wars timeline for covering what happened from the 3rd to the 4th movie, even to the start of the 4th movie. But all it did was just give an idea that the in universe week before a new hope things were happening as well. It did practically nothing to explain anything beyond references to the 4th movie. Why not just make a rouge one for the 1st movie? Or the 7th? Or for the 5th? How about a movie about how the scoundrel misfit rebel splinter group established a base in the frozen wastelands of the 5th movie planet and managed to keep the rebellion going after the aztec temple planet was evacuated? How about a movie detailing an important ship battle? People would watch these movies even though they don’t actually touch on anything new or add anything to the timeline

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i don't like that star wars bases it's dating system off of the opening scene, imagine if we used the battle of stalingrad as the basis of our years

"it's 166 bbs, we are too advanced to be ruled by the king a thousand miles away!"

"washington, what does bbs mean?"

"we're 166 years before the battle of... erm..."

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There are other dating systems. Before BBY and ABY it was based on the Great Resynchronization but there were a lot of other epochs as well.

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I always considered it a meta dating system that doesn’t actually exist in Star Wars world, and they use some other thing that we don’t know, or different worlds use different things. BBY is good because A New Hope is a very good bifurcating point for the series. Everything’s either before it or after it, and it’s where Star Wars all began.

But I imagine the people of Star Wars world have all kinds of strange dating systems that mean something to them, and probably the Republic has a dating system based on some important thing like the founding of the Republic or some big thing in Jedi history or something. Kind of like in Lord of the Rings, you have the vaguely agreed-upon idea of ages, but different people decide when different ages begin and end. Gondor says the 4th Age starts with Sauron’s death, the Elves say it starts when Gandalf & co. leave Middle Earth, and then the Hobbits have their own Shire-based system that’s entirely different.

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There are a lot of different epochs yes, especially prior to ANH, but after Return of the Jedi the BBY/ABY system becomes standard and us retroactively applied everywhere.

During the Clone Wars though it was obviously not used in-universe, that's just what is used for the convenience of the audience.

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