“and I had to liblarp a lot more than any of you probably did.” This nigga flauntin his war medals from operation liblarp storm and shield😭

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If you have to be explained how to liblarp you won’t be able to effectively. Its second nature to me.

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Off the top of my head you need a groyper jq mask and a barstool sports mask as well. Also you don’t need to know any libtard “theory”. Their theory is video games like disco Elysium and movies that suck.

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Depends on how deep you go. If you went as deep as me, you definitely do.

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Sep 7Liked by James Knox

I had a fellow traveller in my English class, I remember I blurted out "planned parenthood was founded by eugenicists who want to kill black people" (our libshit english teacher brought it up one day) and he pulled up an article on his laptop and said alloud "wait I just looked that up, he's correct!" Funniest shit ever. I will never forget coordinating shock and awe redpills to the class with him, a great guy. We didn't stay in touch after uni but I'll never forget him, esoteric new age Magick sperg.

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Sep 6Liked by James Knox

Thus was a fun read that makes me tempted to do a post on how my undergrad was. I am surprised how similar our experiencedls were with liblarp. I had more neocons because deep deep south, and somehow found a natsoc to befriend, but the higher levels were mostly leftists/marxists. I was able to do the edgy mask you mentioned while still having students and professors think I was centre/centre-left.

My last semester of undergrad was a lot of fun. There were my classes where I'd liblarp/keep quiet in, but I also had one where I focused on expressing my views in a jocular manner (professor was cool, but democracy shill that mercifully wasn't full libtard). I pretty much stated that I supported monarchy and found democracy cringe. Led to some fun discussions with the prof. This was US history from McKinley to FDR, so I had a lot of opportunities. I even clarified some stuff about ww2 and its lead up without appearing like a little chuddie. I'm looking forward to my grad degree next year. I miss the liblarp because it was a fun game.

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Sep 7Liked by James Knox

Having a Spanish minor (Latin American Studies) really opened my eyes to the world of liblarp. In STEM fields, it is far easier to find neocons and even fellow chuds. Not so with LatAm studies.

For my Latin American History class, the professor was super libtarded. Glibly clapping her hands at “indigenous” “resistance” movements, wherever and whenever they appeared. Which was odd, because she was a 30-something white chick! Anyways, my final essay for the class explained how LatAm is poor because the people there are genetically in the Neolithic - typical chud fare, not the “imperialism” drivel she expected. But I got a 95 on it cuz I explained it in a way that she liked. I talked about the history of Germans/Celts and their oppression during the Roman Empire, and how they became beastin white boys later on, arguing that LatAm people have the ability to do the same. Whether or not any of it was true is irrelevant. I just played my chuddy beliefs to the tune of oppression. Which my audience gobbled up.

My point is, When one liblarps, it is necessary to read their personality, and play to the particular libtard sensibilities they might have.

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Sep 6Liked by James Knox

I am already quite familiar with liblarp. I must do it with a group I play with on a game. There are some troons and gaymers as well. I have to refrain myself quite hard from saying anything controversial just for the sake of playing a game I enjoy which is impossible to play on my own. Unfortunately most groups on this game are like dis. But maybe one day I will run into one that isn't.

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Sep 6Liked by James Knox


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Sep 6Liked by James Knox

Finding a fellow traveller out in the wild would be the dream fr

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by James Knox

They're rare, but invaluable once you gain one's trust. I remember an awful modern European history course where me and a Ukrainian Protestant wignat ended up on the monarchist side of the French Revolution debate. We got to call the revolutionary rabble-rousers stupid peasants and demand they be deported to Algeria and other far-off colonies as punishment. The dude really didn't even hide it and wore a black sun medallion around his neck and would openly say stuff like "Ukrainians are the original Aryans of the world, western Europeans inbred with EEFs and diluted their genes, and the Russians are Mongol hybrid barbarian people." I guess because he's foreign and, after 2022, from a country that's basically officially culturally protected by the government/media/academic complex, so he could get away with saying and doing a lot more than any Anglo-American could.

He was an iFunny user, by the way, and a brilliant neuroscientist who took like 28 credit hours one semester and still passed all his classes with flying colors. That dude will probably discover some revolutionary brain surgery technique one day. I'm not really a big Ukraine person, and he knew I was more sympathetic with Russia on the basis of religion, but we got along well and were good study partners throughout our time at college.

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I guarantee im a more natural talent then you at liblarping you have more credentials but im pure homemade raw talent

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How do you think I got these credentials

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Cause you sat down and listened to some jew nigga talk about the holocaust

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Actually it was a fat White woman

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I used to consider myself pretty liberal (hell, I'm gay and live near SF) until I got to my liberal arts college in OH and suddenly became Literally Hitler with these fucking people.

They had a special hatred for me because I joined a fraternity, and it was the "conservative jock" frat, so I was a traitor to them.

When you disobey, they show you who they really are, and they have made it very clear that are my enemy. So I am happy to treat them as such.

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