"You must further understand that the Empire was also necessary to save Rome at all, because the people were becoming increasingly decadent and it was destroying the Republic, which had no defense against this issue."

Hmmmm, sounds very familiar to what we are seeing in the United States (along with the rest of the Western world) today. There are no safeguards and the constitution that was supposed to protect us has been circumvented by what I like to call technicality lawfare.

"Oh, you don't want a million illegal aliens dumped on your small town? Well technically the 14th amendment says that anyone born here is a US citizen so once those aliens have children who cares."

Despite the fact that said amendment was created for the sole purpose of granting citizenship to freed slaves only.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by James Knox

A lot of quite well read people have suggested to me that the Republic is more of a fantastical approach to society because it is an allegory for the soul, while the Laws is a more brass tacks book about what society should be run like

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I think this is probably quite accurate

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