Excellent post. While the more simpleminded can frustrating, most that frustration is only due to the fact that they are out of place. Same applies to many women. We have failed THEM, not the other way around. Women and simple laborors were never meant to have to argue morality with scheming, moral-devoid manipulators. It was our duty to prevent this, and it is our duty today.

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And this isn't arrogant, it can be proven in a very simple manner: The majority of people have no interest in politics and hate arguing.

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I think this becomes especially clear when you think about the "7 things you shouldn't talk about on the first date" and all of them are hot button issues that will unavoidably evoke conflict. I would enjoy talking about a girl's politics and picking her brain on them. It would even be a necessary component of our relationship, probably from the get go, for me.

But most people would be appalled by the idea. Debating political views would be too mentally and/or emotionally exhausting for them. Nothing wrong with that; but not everyone is like this.

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That other Walt Bismarck article that made the rounds was absolute sooty coal though. Went so far into elitist LARPing he went back to being a Bush era conservative.

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Was that the follow up article? "Why I'm not a White Nationalist Anymore" or something? I haven't read that one yet but I kind of figured it would be a bit coalish. Aside from the elitism Bismarck has good stuff, it's just a little grating to read through the elitist stuff cuz it's kinda just 🤓

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That aside, good article. People forget not everyone has to be a Great Man.

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Mar 20Liked by James Knox

Out of curiosity do you also believe in a sort of “untouchables” caste like Hindus do?

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Author

Eh not really. Maybe for certain types of criminals like pedos or rapists or something, but other than that no.

I guess the process of shunning someone fills the same role as the untouchable caste in Western society.

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The concept of an untouchables caste was likely only introduced when the Aryans subjugated what they saw as the inferior Mleccas and Dravidians. Look up the trifunctional hypothesis.

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Jun 13Liked by James Knox

Crazy that sanitation workers were ever considered untouchables. If we didn’t have street sweepers or like sewer workers we’d be swimming in caca. Oh wait Indians already do that…. We should make fast food employees or canvassers our untouchables.

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It probably had some basis in practicality. You don't want to be around people who shovel poop all day because then you will probably get cholera and die (Polk reference) which is not good.

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Mar 20Liked by James Knox

Sv trve

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Also lemme just say I really like the cadence here: “The summation of your character is as much a synthesis of your experiences as it is a discrete platonic form of what is ‘authentically you’ and so making the distinction between what outside influences you consume is ultimately an arbitrary process.” I might have to borrow this quote (I’ll credit you of course and even imbed a hyperlink back to this essay) in a future post.

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I totally agree with you that Nietzsche was retarded for saying that you shouldn’t study other people’s ideas. It’s quite literally impossible for the mind to not be conditioned by external ideas. Every motivation of the mind can be relegated to what the Buddhists call “dependent origination”, which in the context of psychology is just a fancy way of saying “one thing always leads to and conditions the next”. The context for consciousness itself is quality (If I’m not mistaken, “consciousness” is literally “qualia” in Latin) and can be surmised as “awareness being made aware of something”. All conditioning of the mind is from the world that the mind experiences, since the world is itself the context for consciousness. Given how Nietzsche was well-versed with Buddhist beliefs, he should’ve known this. But I’m not surprised; Nietzsche contradicts himself a lot.

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To be entirely honest, I don’t see what’s wrong with Kulak’s “stack” or “tweet” (Idk the proper term here) about about the aristocracy. Internal division within a caste or class is never beneficial. Unless perhaps I’m misinterpreting you and you weren’t actually criticizing him?

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I put it there because I agree with it

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Oh my mistake then. I can delete my comment if you want

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Still reading (yes I’ll admit that I just liked a few of your essays without finishing them, but I’m making it a point to finish them now), but I want to comment on the caste system. While there are socio-evolutionary (material) causes for it, there is a spiritual element to it as well. Ancient traditions (especially Vedic tradition) imply a parallel between the primordial man and God, or the “microcosmic” and “macrocosmic”, where both began in a state of oneness and then diverged into manyness (one human into many humans, one race into many races, one caste into many castes, one sex into two sexes, etc.). The Vishvarupa reveals the connection to the caste system: In the Vedas it says, “The brahmin was his mouth, his two arms became the rajanya (kshatriya), his thighs are what the vaisya are, and from his feet the shudra was made.”

The caste system is ultimately more descriptive of reality than it is prescriptive (though both are arguably true). While not every society had one as explicit as the Indians did, you’d be hard-pressed to find naturally occurring examples of casteless or classless societies in history.

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Why did you delete my comment, coward

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Just felt like it+idek who you are

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Woe, a curse be upon ye and yer descendents

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Skadoosh (Kung Fu Panda Reference)

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RemovedMar 22
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Going to delete your comment LOL

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