Hmmm, you're on the right track, but you got the Jewish-controlled stuff a bit wrong. Media and Lobbying are correct, but Jews are not as overrepresented in Finance as you might think these days. Still overrepresented, but controlling finance is a whole different animal from something like the media, where all you really have to do is be the only one exerting force.

I would say Jewish influence is felt first and foremost in the media (in the nineties, literally around half of significant media persons were Jews. And the further up you go, the more Jewish it gets). Secondly in Academia, particularly Law and Social Science. Jewish student representation has declined over the past decades, but Jews still put up massive numbers in elite school faculty, especially in the Social Sciences. Third in actual practice of Law and in Lobbying.

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That was more the point of the post. I didn't want to get into the details of Jewish control, my point was moreso to emphasize that Jews don't control stuff and that their control is waning in a lot of categories as you mentioned. I wanted to dismiss the notion of total Jewish control over everything, because it distracts from other noxious groups like the Chinese.

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I thought the Chinese bank was controlled by the sasoon banking family

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by James Knox

Hello Polk how goes it

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Doing good, just reuploading old posts in-between college work.

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That’s good to hear man, stay on top of them studies! 🤝

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